Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Apart - Responsive Wordpress Theme

Apart - Responsive Wordpress Theme - Personal Blog / Magazine

Apart is a super simple, photoblog-style WordPress theme for sharing your images, videos, articles, quotes and more. Use it as a personal blog or a minimal portfolio to show off your latest works! It has a responsive design meaning your content will be displayed beautifully on all mobile devices.

Admin panel screenshot

Built-in customizer

Post Format Support

Shortcode Manager


  • Responsive

  • Built-in customizer (Change logo, logo image, background color & image, accent color and other theme settings)

  • Includes xml file for one click demo import

  • Includes extensive documentation

  • SEO Optimized

  • Lots of Shortcodes, easily accessed as buttons via the visual editor

  • Third level dropdwon menus

  • Threaded Comments

  • HTML5 & CSS3 Coding

  • Unlimited Color option

  • Footer area is widget ready.

  • Author Template Ready

  • Custom Archive Template

  • Search, Tags, Catgorys template Ready

  • Blog Post formats



  • Accordion

  • Alert Box

  • BlockQuote

  • Buttons

  • Call To Action

  • Clear

  • Columns

  • Divider

  • Dropcaps

  • Google Map

  • Image

  • Lightbox

  • Tabs

  • Title

  • Toggle

Note: the demo Images are not included in the download files.

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