Sunday, April 28, 2013


Filthy - ThemeForest Item for Sale

Filthy is a personal blog theme that’s been through the ringer. This thing is just down right dirty! And best of all, it comes it 2 shades of filth – brown and black.


Main Features

  • WordPress menu for the main navigation.

  • Standard featured images (post thumbnails), with fall-back custom field method for images.

  • 2 full colour schemes – brown and black.

  • User specified “accent” colour can be chosen from a colour picker in WP-Admin for easy customization.

  • Super hot CSS3 goodness supported by most modern browsers. Embedded fonts used for headings and the logo give this theme a unique feel. Degrades gracefully in browsers that don’t support these frills.

  • Unique article/comment toggle saves vertical space and is just plain awesome. This can be disabled via the Theme Settings panel if you prefer the more traditional approach of having comments below the article.

  • Custom built theme settings panel within WP-Admin that allows you to customize the theme without editing any templates.

  • Flexible logo space allows images up to 890px wide and any height. Image path and dimensions are entered in WP-Admin.

  • Easily link to social networks you take part in, with support for 28 of the most popular sites.

  • Widgetized sidebar with a handful of custom built widgets.

  • Custom widgets for ad spots (4 125×125 buttons, 300×250 bigbox). 728×90 leaderboard is also supported – sits above logo.

  • Super lean markup and CSS , makes advanced customization a pleasure.

  • Tested on Windows and Mac. Looks great in all modern browsers. Some details are toned down for older versions of IE, but nothing is broken.

  • Support for Twitter Tools, FlickrRSS, WP-PageNavi, and Subscribe to Comments plugins out of the box.

Version 1.6 – 08/04/2011

  • Updated bundled fonts for better compatibility with all browsers. “Fancy fonts” now work in Chrome on all platforms and are served from Google Web Fonts.

  • Added meta tag which forces Internet Explorer to run in standards mode. Ironically, this breaks HTML validation.

  • Added Google+ icon to social profiles.

  • Moved Theme Settings panel under Appearance, so it’s accessible from the Themes page along with Menus and Widgets.

  • Updated custom widgets – if you were previously using widgets, you will need to re-add them to the sidebar.

  • Updated some deprecated functions used through-out the theme.

  • Updated bundled TimThumb to version 1.34 and jQuery to 1.6.2.

Support & Feature Requests

First – read the help documentation that came bundled with the theme. It is also available on the theme’s live preview site.

Please send me a direct message via ThemeForest if you’re having trouble with your theme, and I will do my best to get back to you as soon as possible. Please be patient, as I work freelance full time and do not have dedicated time for theme support. I will not answer support requests left as comments here.

Also, it would be a good idea to a read through my Terms of Support document, which outlines the extent of support I offer, and information regarding updates, warranty, and compatibility.

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