Saturday, April 27, 2013


WhiteLite - ThemeForest Item for Sale

Whitelite is packed with options for simple customization without any knowledge in html or php to make your site exactly the way you want it. If you don’t like the default color scheme (blue) you can always change to any of the other seven color schemes at any time from the theme options page. The default header space consists of a twitter recent ‘tweet’ and a 468×60 advertisement banner which you could change to a blurb about your site, all changes can be found within the theme options page.


  • Custom theme options page which includes:

    • 8 color schemes

    • option for blurb instead of ad

    • twitter and last tweet options

    • footer options

    • automatic post lengths for main page

  • Ajax widget for recent comments, posts and tags

  • Threaded Comments, 5 deep

  • Gravatar and widget ready

  • Valid xhtml strict/css 2.1

  • Tableless code

  • Cross Browser Compatible

  • Wordpress 2.8.4 Compatible

Check out the live demos for:

Green Color Scheme

Red Color Scheme

Yellow Color Scheme

Teal Color Scheme

Orange Color Scheme

Purple Color Scheme

Pink Color Scheme

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