Friday, May 31, 2013

Ravage: Big & Bold WordPress Theme

Ravage: Big & Bold WordPress Theme - Personal Blog / Magazine

Ravage is big, bold & beautiful theme helping writers & creatives alike share their work, your perfect choice in a WordPress theme for sharing your articles, photographs, videos or more.

Beautiful typography is what makes this theme so awesome. As a matter of fact, no images at all are used within the theme.

Responsive Design: Serve up your visitors using a tablet or a smartphone, an optimized version of the website. Optimised for iPad and iPhone.

Post Formats: Ravage comes with support for the following post formats: standard, image, slideshow and video. Write your awesome articles, share your stunning photos or even great videos using this wordpress theme.

Ease of use: This theme is so easy to use, you won’t even need the documentation. You can easily set up your website starting from the Theme Customizer and then continuing with a small unbranded options panel we’ve included with only 9 options, among them being: logo upload, favicon upload, analytics code.

No 1000+ Shortcodes, 500+ Google Web Fonts. Nothing of that here.

Lightning Fast: This theme is fast. Really fast. With a score of 85/100 on Google PageSpeed, out of the box, without any caching plugins, you definitely have a sturdy base on which you can build upon an even faster website.

Current theme version: 1.4 – Last updated 1st Feb 2013

Quick look inside of Ravage theme features

  • Big, Bold, Beautiful Typography
  • Clean Responsive Design
  • Retina-Ready
  • 3 Custom Widgets (Twitter, Flickr, Video)
  • Full Localisation Support (contains .po/.mo files)
  • WPML compatibility
  • Accent Color Control (via Color Picker)
  • Compatible with the ZillaSocial Plugin.
  • Compatible with the ZillaLikes Plugin.
  • Compatible with the Contact Form 7.

Need Support? Go to the Support Forum

Firstly, I would like to thank you for purchasing one of my products, I appreciate it!

Support for all IcyPixels themes is conducted through the IcyPixels Ticksy ticket system. Grab your item purchase code and feel free to ask your questions.

Visit the Icy Pixels Support


All photos used are licensed under a CC license which permits commercial use of the work. Photos are not included in the downloaded package.

Structure: Responsive WordPress Blog Theme

Structure: Responsive WordPress Blog Theme - Personal Blog / Magazine

Structure is a responsive & beautiful theme focused on content. Content is king and with this theme, content is in the spotlight!

Current theme version: 1.3.3 – Updated on 1st Feb 2013

Beautiful typography is what makes this theme so awesome. As a matter of fact, no images at all are used within the theme.

Responsive Design:

Serve up your visitors using a tablet or a smartphone, an optimized version of the website. Optimised for iPad and iPhone.

Post Formats:

Structure comes with support for the following post formats: standard, image, slideshow and video. Write your awesome articles, share your stunning photos or even great videos using this wordpress theme.

Ease of use:

This theme is so easy to use, you won’t even need the documentation. You can easily set up your website starting from the Theme Customizer and then continuing with a small unbranded options panel we’ve included with only 9 options, among them being: logo upload, favicon upload, analytics code.

No 1000+ Shortcodes, 500+ Google Web Fonts. Nothing of that here.

Lightning Fast:

This theme is fast. Really fast. With a score of 90/100 on Google PageSpeed, out of the box, without any caching plugins, you definitely have a sturdy base on which you can build upon an even faster website.

Quick look inside of Structure theme features

  • Big, Bold, Beautiful Typography

  • Clean Responsive Design

  • Retina-Ready

  • 3 Custom Widgets (Twitter, Flickr, Video)

  • Full Localisation Support (contains .po/.mo files)
  • WPML compatibility
  • Accent Color Control (via Color Picker)
  • Compatible with the ZillaSocial Plugin.
  • Compatible with the ZillaLikes Plugin.
  • Compatible with the Contact Form 7.

Need Support? Go to the Support Forum

Firstly, I would like to thank you for purchasing one of my products, I appreciate it!

Support for all IcyPixels themes is conducted through the IcyPixels Ticksy ticket system. Grab your item purchase code and feel free to ask your questions.

Visit the Icy Pixels Support


All photos used are licensed under a CC license which permits commercial use of the work. Photos are not included in the downloaded package.

Featured Product

Brief - Responsive Tumblr Style WordPress Theme

Brief - Responsive Tumblr Style WordPress Theme - Personal Blog / Magazine

Brief is a minimal, Tumblr-style WordPress theme. Use it as a personal blog to share your images, videos, articles, quotes and more.

Responsive Design – Brief is responsive so your visitors can view an optimised version of this theme while using tablet and mobile devices. Optimised for iPad and iPhone – check out the demo to see for yourself.

Post formats – Support for post formats means you can post videos, your own self-hosted audio, quotes, links and standard posts.

Theme Features

  • Responsive Design

  • Theme Options (Background, Link Color, Add Logo, Google Tracking Code and more)

  • Custom Gallery Post Type

  • Custom Twitter Widget

  • Social Share for Posts

  • Social Links in Footer

  • Post Format Support (Standard, Aside, Audio, Link, Quote, Video)

  • Page Templates (Archives, Full Width, jQuery Contact Form)

  • Layered PSDs for Customisation

  • Extensive Documentation

Theme Support

If you run in to any problems while using our themes, you can get support by heading over to the ThemeSoldier support forums:

Theme support is offered to customers by forum only. Support requests made by email, tweet or any other method will be redirected back to the forum.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Sann - Timeline Oriented Personal Blog WP Theme

Sann - Timeline Oriented Personal Blog WP Theme - Personal Blog / Magazine

Sann: Timeline Oriented Personal Blog WordPress Theme

Welcome to Sann! Sann is a beautiful and minimalistic timeline oriented blogging theme .. like no other out there! Share your thoughts, photos, videos and everything else you’d like to share in a unique and beautiful way.

Timeline oriented and grid-based — The minimalistic and grid-based layout is built around a trendy timeline. Posts are stacked neatly creating a playfull and awesome overall feel.

Post formats — A good bunch of post-formats are supported for you to use and abuse: standard, link, quote, status, images, gallery, audio & video.

The look-and-feel of a couple of these post formats can be edited through the theme options! This way you can easiliy add your own touch! Pretty neat right?

All-about-the-blog — Sann is all about gettin’ your blog on!

Styles drop-down menu — Out with shortcodes and in with the styles drop-down menu! Styling your posts has never been this easy. See directly how your posts get styled in the Tiny MCE Editor while you’re publishing. No more messing around with complicated shortcodes and all the madness that comes a long with it. The styles drop-down menu supports: buttons, toggles, pull-quotes, alerts, columns, v- and x- lists and text-highlighting. Check out what you can do with the styles drop-down menu.

So what are you getting exactly when you purchase Sann? Here’s a couple of awesome features you get to go nuts with when you (read: reasons for you to) buy Sann:

  • Timeline oriented and grid based layout

  • WordPress theme customizer support

  • Beautiful minimal design

  • Adaptive design (desktop and mobile)

  • WordPress 3.4+ ready (including menu’s, featured images and post-formats that are supported since WordPress 3.1)

  • Custom Theme options

  • Custom (Google) fonts (for body, navigation and all H-tags)

  • Custom accent colors (easily add your own touch!)

  • Bunch of custom widgets (including a Twitter widget and a Social widget)

  • Bunch of custom page templates (archives, full-width and contact)

  • Full localisation support (.po/.mo files are included)

  • Layered PSD files (for customisation purposes)

  • Well documented (just incase)

  • Demo XML-file included in download package

  • Much more..

Update v2.0: April 10, 2013

  • All style related theme options have been moved to the theme customizer

  • Rewritten code for improved performance

  • Added support for nested drop-down menu’s

  • Replaced navigation for mobile devices

  • Drop-down biography title and description via theme options

  • Removed statistics from the subheader

  • Three individual widget areas for the widgetized area hidden underneath the header (instead of just one)

  • Added support for multiple heights in sliders

  • Removed slider in timeline view

  • Better responsive custom videos

  • Removed custom videos from timeline view

  • Improved post-meta

  • Adde post author to the post-meta (optional)

  • Added normal and twitter-like time ago time notation (optional)

  • Improved the “load more posts” button

  • Added scrolling to next available item upon clicking the “load more posts” button

  • Added “scroll-to-top” button when all items have been loaded

  • Added possibility for full width single posts

  • Improved comment mark-up

  • Added “load more posts” button to all archive pages and search overview

  • Fixed hover for comments icon

Update v1.4: Januari 11, 2013

  • Updated author bio drop-down (smoother transition)

  • Updated custom.js with cleaner code to improve performances

  • Added load more button to archive pages

  • Updated social widget with 500px, Deviantart, Instagram and Tumblr

  • Updated gallery post format (now supports featured image)

  • Updated gallery post format thumb navigation (now supports thumbs of one size only: 60px x 60px)

Update v1.34: December 28, 2012

  • Replaced Twitter widget with new one

Update v1.33: October 28, 2012

  • Fixed sticky posts

  • Fixed small issue with inserted images

Update v1.32: October 20, 2012

  • Added possibility to hide URL for posts with the link format

  • Added possibility to choose link target for posts with the link format

Update v1.31: October 9, 2012

  • Fixed non-closed div on closed comments for posts

  • Fixed WordPress/Vimeo social icon change-up

Update v1.3: October 3, 2012

  • Fixed custom css

  • Fixed issue with custom video and post-indicators after page-load

  • Fixed issue with missing space for previous post links in the page navigation on single pages

  • Fixed issue with template-contact.php

Update v1.2: September 26, 2012

  • Theme options defaults added (to match theme preview)

  • .mo/.po files added for translation

  • Fixed issue with non-excisting file being loaded

  • Featured image support for RSS feed

  • Fixed issue with header on 404 page

Update v1.1: September 22, 2012

  • Fixed small theme options bug

  • Updated documentation

  • Fixed issue with multiple instances of jplayer

  • Fixed margin issue with embedded video

September 20, 2012

  • Official Release

Work featured

Want your work featured in the theme preview? Shoot an e-mail this way, or contact me on Twitter.


In need of support? Feel free to shoot an e-mail this way. A support forum is coming real soon.

Remal - Responsive WordPress Blog Theme

Remal - Responsive WordPress Blog Theme - Personal Blog / Magazine

Updated on January 11th – Latest Version 1.6.0

If you like This theme, please don’t forget to rate it 12345

Documentation , FAQ & Video Guides

  • Complete Detailed Documentation

  • Frequently Asked Questions

  • Video Guides show you how to use the theme

    1. Theme Installation Guide

    2. How To Insert Sample Data ?

    3. How to set a Featured Image for your posts ?

  • Sample Content (XML).. just import it to get the demo site content .

  • Well-commented HTML, CSS, JavaScript and PHP code

  • Lifetime updates included



Theme Features

  • Responsive layout .

  • Isotope Masonry Grid ($25 – js plugin)

  • RTL Full Support .

  • Post Format Support (Image, Aside, Galleries, Standard, Quote, Link, Audio, Video)

  • HTML5 and CSS3 tableless design .

  • Custom 404 page .

  • Unlimited Colors .

  • Many jQuery effects inside .

  • HomePage with 4 different styles .

  • Unbranded Powerful Administration Panel .

  • Support Multiple page post .

  • Theme Update Notifier .

  • 500+ Google Web Fonts. (Change elements fonts in the theme settings)

  • Multi level drop-down menu .

  • Localization Support (Easy to translate) .

  • Social media users profiles Support .

  • Unlimited sidebar. Create and select sidebar for each of your page/ post .

  • Optional Breadcrumb Navigation .

  • Built-in Related Posts Module ( By category , tag or Author ).

  • Social media icons .

  • Pagination Integrated .

  • Easily adding Google analytics .

  • Logo Uploader .

  • Login Logo Uploader .

  • Favicon Uploader .

  • Custom Gravatar Uploader .

  • Background Uploader .

  • Full Screen background Option .

  • 23 Pre-Defined Background Patterns .

  • Social Share for Posts .

  • Social Link on Header and Footer .

  • WordPress 3.0 Custom Menu Support .

  • Option to Exclude pages or specific Categories from Search results .

  • Live jQuery Adding Comment validation .

  • Import / Export Settings .

  • Works in all major browsers: Internet Explorer, Firefox, Opera, Safari, Google Chrome

  • Page / Post Layouts .

  • Page / Post Formats .

  • Optional 728×90 Leaderboard Banner support

  • 6 Footer Layouts

  • 8 Page Templates :

    • Sitemap page

    • Authors List

    • Restrict Page Require a Login

    • Display Rss feed template

    • Tags

    • TimeLine

    • Login Page

    • Blog Page

  • 28 Custom Widgets

    • Twitter Feed Widget

    • Flickr Feed Widget

    • Facebook like box

    • Google + follow box

    • FeedBurner email newsletter widget

    • Featured Video Widget ( Embed code , Youtube , Viemo )

    • Tabbed Widget (Most Popular, Recent, comments, tags)

    • Recent Comments with avatar

    • posts list with thumbnail option widget (Recent/popular/Random)

    • Category Posts Widget

    • News in Pictures (Recent/Random)

    • About post author widget with social links

    • posts by author widget

    • Custom Text/HTML (with transparent background and center content options)

    • Social Icons Widget

    • Search Widget

    • Custom Author Bio

    • Social Counter

    • Login Widget

    • Advertisement Widgets

      • 120×60 Ad Widget (blocks of ten)

      • 120×90 Ad Widget (blocks of ten)

      • 120×600 Ad Widget (blocks of two)

      • 120×240 Ad Widget (blocks of four)

      • 125×125 Ad Widget (blocks of ten)

      • 300×100 Ad Widget (blocks of four)

      • 160×600 Ad Widget

      • 250×250 Ad Widget

      • 300×250 Ad Widget

  • 70+ Shortcodes

    • Buttons

    • Boxes

    • Twitter

    • Flickr

    • Feed shortcode

    • Google maps

    • Highlight text

    • Checklist

    • starlist

    • facebook like button

    • Tweet button

    • Digg button

    • stumble button

    • pinterest Button

    • G+ Button

    • twitter follow button

    • feedburner counter

    • Youtube / viemo Video

    • Audio Player

    • Toggled Content

    • Author Bio

    • Columns

    • Tabs

    • Dropcap

    • Tooltip

    • Divider

    • ADS Shortcodes

    • Shortcodes for logged in users and guests

    • LightBox

  • Theme comes with a detailed documentation.


Version 1.6.0 - 11-01-2013
- Added : Next/prev to lightbox for [gallery] shortcode .
- Added : supports videos in video post format .
- Added : supports videos in [video] shortcode .
- Added : supports dailymotion videos in video post format .
- Added : supports dailymotion videos in [video] shortcode .
- Added : More styling Options .
- Improved : [Audio] shortcode Styling .
- Improved : Videos width and height ratio .
- Fixed : Twitter API issue .
- Fixed : Reset settings bug .
#Files updated
- style.css
- js/tie-scripts.js
- loop.php
- functions/theme-functions.php
- functions/common-scripts.php
- includes/widgets/widget-video.php
- panel/ (folder)

Version 1.5.0 - 26-12-2012
- Added : Fully RTL Support .
- Added : Option to Hide the Featured Image from standard post format single page .
- Added : New ADV space area between posts .
- Added : Option to Disable the theme Responsiveness .
- Added : [lightbox] shortcode .
- Improved : Footer widgets without Titles .
- Improved : Video widget in Footer .
- Improved : SEO issues .
- Improved : performance and speed of the theme .
- Fixed : Typography bug with some fonts .
- Fixed : Author Feed URL bug .
#Files updated
- style.css
- loop.php
- author.php
- content-standard.php
- RTL.css
- Header.php
- functions/common-scripts.php
- functions/theme-functions.php
- includes/widgets/widget-twitter.php
- includes/post-meta.php
- js/tie-scripts.js
- panel/ (folder)

Version 1.4.1 - 09-12-2012
- Improvements and minor bug fixes.
#Files updated
- style.css
- js/tie-scripts.js
- functions/theme-functions.php
- panel/post-options.php
- panel/mpanel-functions.php

Version 1.4.0 - 06-12-2012
- Added : Light Box For wordpress gallery shortcode .
- Added : Pinterest Style for widgets in responsive action .
- Added : More Typography Options .
- Improved : Videos layout .
- Improved : Audio Player design .
- Fixed : Responsive issues .
- Fixed : posts gallery issue .
#Files updated
- style.css
- js/tie-scripts.js
- includes/widgets/widget-video.php
- images/jplayer
- panel/mpanel-ui.php
- functions/common-scripts.php
- functions/theme-functions.php

Version 1.3.2 - 17-11-2012
- Minor bug fixes .
#Files updated
- style.css
- functions/theme-functions.php
- functions/common-scripts.php
- panel/mpanel-ui.php
- content-video.php
- js/tie-scripts.js

Version 1.3.1 - 13-11-2012
- Added : More Styling Options .
- Improved : RTL Issues .
- Improved : Responsive issues .
- Fixed : Typography settings for widgets titles .
#Files updated
- style.css
- panel/mpanel-ui.php
- functions/common-scripts.php
- Added : rtl.css

Version 1.3.0 - 01-11-2012
- Fixed: All known bugs .
#Files updated
- Please replace whole folder. We changed too many files in this version.

Version 1.2.1 - 29-10-2012
- Updated : Isotope to v1.5.21 .
- Fixed: All known bugs .

#Files updated
- Style.css
- template-authors.php
- index.php
- js/tie-scripts.js
- js/isotope.js
- loop.php
- header.php
- functions/theme-functions.php
- functions/common-scripts.php
- includes/widgets/widget-counter.php
- Languages Folder

Version 1.2.0 - 22-10-2012
- Added : Option to hide post meta from homepage .
- Added : Option to exclude categories from homepage .
- Added : optional Posts filter by Categories in homepage .
- Added : Image poster above audio player .
- Added : Custom css fields to make changes depend on the device .
- Added : More Styling Options .
- Improved : Galleries style .
- Improved : Reset settings button .
- Improved : Og:image to get video image from youtube / vimeo if the post hasn't a featured image .
- Fixed : 404 page message style bug .
- Fixed : Twitter Counter bug
- Fixed : category feed url .
#Files updated
- style.css
- js/tie-scripts.js
- index.php
- loop.php
- category.php
- content-standard.php
- mpanel/mpanel-ui.php
- includes/single-post-share.php
- functions/theme-functions.php
- functions/common-scripts.php
- functions/default-options.php

Version 1.1.0 - 05-10-2012
- Fixed : responsive issues
- Fixed : Minor Issues
#Files updated
- content-standard.php
- header.php
- style.css
- js/tie-scripts.js

Version 1.0.0
- First release


Thanks so much to

  • jQuery

  • jQueryUI

  • jQuery tipsy plugin

  • jQuery tweet! plugin

  • jQuery Tools Tabs

  • jQuery COLOR PICKER plugin

  • jQuery checkbox plugin

  • Flexslider

  • Html5Shiv

  • selectivizr

  • Webfonts with Google fonts

  • jPlayer

  • WP-PageNavi Plugin

  • Subtle Patterns

  • Documenter

  • Premium Pixels

  • Socail Icons

  • Some patterns

  • Photos used in the demo site from :
    Picture Taker 2,

Premium WordPress Themes

Pocket WordPress Theme

Pocket WordPress Theme - Personal Blog / Magazine

twitter  themeforest  rss  support

Pocket is a super simple, photoblog-style WordPress theme for sharing your images, videos, articles, quotes and more. Use it as a personal blog or a minimal portfolio to show off your latest works!

Fits In Your Pocket

Pocket is responsive, all the way down to mobile. Images, videos and text will scale down gracefully to iPad, iPhone and all devices in-between. This theme looks just as great in your pocket as it does on the desktop!

Customize Pocket

Customize Pocket in real time with WordPress’s new Theme Customizer! Change your background image, site title, accent color, upload a logo and more, all with a live preview. No confusing and convoluted theme options panels to sift through!

Pocket Quick Look

  • Super Clean, Responsive Design

  • Bold, Beautiful Typography

  • Valid HTML5 Code

  • Localized, Includes .mo and .po Files

  • Theme Customizer Support

  • Fully Scalable Featured Images

  • Fully Scalable Embedded Video

  • Twitter Widget

  • Contact Form

Help File & Changelog

This theme comes with an extensive help file which makes setup a breeze. The latest updates and bug fixes for this theme can be seen in the changelog. View the Help File | View the Changelog

Okay Themes Newsletter

Sign up for the newsletter to get updates on new themes and plugins, giveaways, discounts and more. I won’t even bother you with spam! Who has time for that? Sign Up for the Newsletter!

Theme Support

Theme support and documentation is available for all customers. Simply follow the ThemeForest user instructions to verify your purchase and get a support account. Sign Up for the Support Forum

Recommended Plugins

  • Contact Form 7