Saturday, May 4, 2013

Sancho WP Theme

Sancho WP Theme - ThemeForest Item for Sale

Sancho is a clean blog theme powered by Wordpress. With nice animations that you can manage in the admin panel and
8 widget areas:

Playing with theme options

Current Version: 1.3.6

Update 29/04/2011 (Version 1.3.6)

  • Fixed some style problems with kohette combo widget, kohette combo menu widget and kohette childpages widget

  • Added option to enter a custom FeedBurner url

  • Fixed little bug with portfolio templates

Update 20/04/2011 (Version 1.3.5)

  • Added Kohette Combo Widget – This widgets show in three tabs a list of featured posts, recent posts, and recent comments, you can select between show images or not, the size of the images, the category for popular post, the “order by”, etc

  • Added Kohette combo menus widget – This widget show three menus in three tabs for categories, archives and tags

  • Kohette Childpages – This widget is special for pages, you can place this windget in the pages sidebar and, if the current page have childpages or a parent page, the widget show a menu with the rest of childpages. This is ideal for create pages with various sections.

Update 28/02/2011

  • Fixed a little problem with the theme upload

Update 02/02/2011

  • Fixed a little bug with font manager and firefox

Update 01/02/2011

  • Added new page template (default with no comments)

  • Added/fixed Wavatar, Gravatar, MonsterID, etc pics for user comments.

  • Added option for show/hide categories under the post’s titles in main page.

  • Added option for show/hide categories under the post’s titles in single post pages.

  • Fixed a little problem with Fancybox.

Update 23/01/2011

  • Fixed top menu bug in ie7

  • Deleted “Twitter for wordpress” widget

  • Added Twitter widget pro

  • Added masonry for columns

  • Fixed problem with paginate buttons

  • Added Font Manager with cufon fonts support and google fonts

  • New custom theme styles options

    • option to hide/show the login button in the top menu

    • option to hide/show the RSS button in the top menu

    • option to hide/show the “to bottom” button in the top menu

    • option to set the excerpt length in Words for general blog posts

    • option to set the excerpt length in Words for the posts in columns

    • option to crop or not the featured images of the column posts

    • option to show only a mosaic of featured images of the posts in columns area

  • New portfolio options

    • option to hide/show Portfolio Page Title

    • option to hide/show Portfolio Page Description

    • option to set the number of portfolio items per page

    • option to hide/show portfolio items title

    • option to hide/show portfolio items description

    • option to crop or not the portfolio items images (for items in columns)

  • Option to enable/disable fancybox plugin

Widget Areas.

  • Home Page Sidebar

  • Multiple Posts Page Sidebar

  • Single Post Pages Sidebar

  • Page Pages Sidebar

  • Footer Column Left

  • Footer Column Center

  • Footer Column Right

  • Portfolio Sidebar

Some Features.

  • WordPress 3.0 menu

  • 3 Page templates

  • 4 different skins (default, vintage, wooden, minimal)

  • Custom post types for Portfolio.

  • Customizable header animation.

  • Drop down menu

  • 2 Custom Widgets (4 slots for 125×125px ads & featured posts)

  • Option to make two smalls columns for blog posts or only big one.

  • Custom background options (upload background image, change background color, background vertical and horizontal aligment, etc)

  • Option to add custom css code

  • Custom logo upload

  • Plain text Logo Support

  • Custom favicon upload

  • Google analytics tracking

  • Post Thumbnail/Featured Image Support

  • Tableless code

  • Unobtrusive jQuery powered effects

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