Sunday, May 19, 2013

Boldframe - blog & portfolio for Creatives

Boldframe - blog & portfolio for Creatives - Personal Blog / Magazine

Boldframe – blog & portfolio for Creatives

Unique timeline blog & portfolio created with maximal focus on content and its presentation. If You like to know more about theme features continue reading or just go straight to live preview and screenshots.


  • Responsive – this theme is responsive! That means it is great to read on desktops and handheld devices.

  • WordPress Menus – theme supports WordPress menus to build main navigation. Build menu by drag&drop.

  • Custom Backgrounds – WordPress custom backgrounds and 12 handmade backgrounds to pick from. You can always upload own background and there is and option to use color picker for simple color background.

  • Theme Options – extensive theme options builded on OptionTree. You can control theme by simple and easy to use interface.

  • Breadcrumbs – one click and breadcrumbs appears.

  • Related Posts – one click and below each post will be displayed list of related posts.

  • Author Biography – display biography of post author below his posts.

  • Social links in footer – provide links to Your social profiles and they will appear as icons in footer.

  • Slider – FlexSlider on board, easy to control via Theme Options.

  • Fancybox – LightBox on board, images view enhanced!

  • Google analytics – just paste Your google analytics code in Theme Options.

  • Posts formats – theme supports six post formats: standard, aside, link, video, gallery and image.

  • Portfolio – portfolio page template and two column portfolio page, create portfolio items just like posts with single image or gallery as a preview.

  • Favion and Apple Touch Icons – upload favion and apple touch icons through Theme Options.

  • Widget ready footer – build own footer from widgets, four columns just waits for content!

  • Custom widgets – theme comes with three custom made widgets: twitter, flickr and tag’s list.

  • Archives page template – template to create archives of site.

  • Contact page template – clean and simple to use contact form.

  • Shortcodes – theme comes with five shortcodes.

  • Photoshop files included – ready to be change.

  • Bebas Neue – font included with theme, thanks Ryoichi Tsunekawa!

  • Images used in preview comes from

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