Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Ambition - WordPress Talent Theme

Ambition - WordPress Talent Theme - Personal Blog / Magazine

Show off your skills, events, videos and so much more with Ambition, the talent theme from Obox.

Unique Features


This feature enables you to show people an event that you’re going to be at or hosting. Using events you can add dates, sound clips, videos and a map of where the event is held.


List all your achievements and goals with this post type. You can list achievements in different categories, such as work or sport, and you can feature your most proud achievements on the homepage. Achievements will be a big part of future development with this theme and others. As more of you use it we will cater for more requirements for our users.


Are you a musician, band member or DJ? If so then you can embed your latest Soundcloud music clips. You can include a write up and let visitors comment on each audio post. Rocking.


Want to show off your videos? Ambition enables you to post hosted video from the likes of Vimeo and Youtube or self-hosted which you’ve uploaded to WordPress.


One of the most important things as a sportsman are your sponsors. We’ve made sure to give you the opportunity to give them as much showtime as possible. Add their logos, descriptions, links and even video of each backer that you have.


Upload the latest images from your most recent events, allow visitors to comment on each one and link to relevant sponsors or events.

Contact Details

We’ve created a contact details widget which allows you to add your contact number and/or email address. With your amazing talent and showcase of your skills you need a clear way for your fans and prospective sponsors to contact you.

Responsive Design

When viewing the demo, be sure to resize your browser window there are some cool responsive effects going on here. What’s the benefit you may ask? Well it means that your site will look good on mobile phones, tablets and desktops.

By having a site which is “device agnostic” you ensure that whoever is visiting your site will have the best browsing experience possible on the device they are viewing it with. No compromise.

Color Customization


This theme makes full use of the new customization options in the latest version of WordPress. We’ve implemented an extensive color scheme options panel so that you can change the color of your theme to anything you like.

Included is OCMX-Live

Powered by OCMX

OCMX Live is an advanced Framework which comes packaged with every Obox Theme, turning your WordPress site into an even more powerful content management system.

  • Custom Logo Input – No need to delve into the code of your theme, simply upload your awesome logo with the click of a button.

  • Page Templates – Our themes come packaged with multiple pages templates including Archives, Full Width and a Portfolio page.

  • Menu Management – Organize your Menu Structure for super smooth visitor navigation. Choose what goes and what stays in your nav.

  • Advert Management – Setup your BuySellAds adverts or run your own custom campaign, OCMX allows for complete control over your revenue system.

  • Automatic Image Resizing – Using WP Image to manage our theme image resizing you never have to worry about resizing your pictures when switching to our Themes.

  • Ajax Comments – When a visitor submits a comment to your blog there are no page reloads. That means they can watch a video and comment at the same time.

OCMX Comes packaged in this theme for free!

Need help with your theme setup?

If you need help with your Obox WordPress theme setup, create and log in to your profile at Obox and you’ll see a ‘Upgrades and Services’ item in the sidebar. Click that to show an option to get a member of the Obox team to setup your theme for you.

Documentation & Support

Please note that access to theme documentation and support forums is restricted to verified buyers only. Support times are 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday (GMT +2). In order to gain full access docs and support please be sure to register on Obox.

To login to Obox all you need to do is the following:

  • Visit Obox Design

  • Click Sign Up (top right of the page)

  • Register your details

  • Type in your ThemeForest purchase code in the right side bar in your profile

Note: We offer Support via our forums only, any other means of communication such as emails and tweets will be directed to the forum. Thanks peeps.


  • General code optimization

  • New Blog with Sidebar page template added

  • Added comments_open condition so comments and links are hidden when comments are disabled

  • New Twitter widget, supports retweets and replies

  • Added WP post class

  • Fixed some image sizing issues and missing $image args

  • Removed dup query from archive template

  • More of the shop should be covered by Customizer colors now – please use custom css for elements specific to the plugin.

  • Gallery thumbnails now have a thumbnail toggle to encourage use of the slider.


  • Removed pagination from events page (not supported in query) – to “retire” events, set them to Draft.

  • AddThis added as fallback for sharing to streamline code – if you liked Sharexy, you may add the code from www.sharexy.com to your Theme Options in the Custom Social widget tag field

  • Fixed related video query- Video posts will now show correct post content when single post is viewed

  • Related videos now exclude the main video

Obox Themes is 100% GPL

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