Tuesday, May 14, 2013

PixelPower - Responsive HTML5/CSS3 WordPress Theme

PixelPower - Responsive HTML5/CSS3 WordPress Theme - Personal Blog / Magazine

PixelPower – Responsive HTML5 / CSS3 WordPress Theme

This is a clean, modern, powerful WordPress tumblog-style theme designed for a wide variety of uses from bloggers to design portfolios. The responsive web design adapts from large to mobile screens, just resize the browser window to test it out, no additional setup required!

The theme also includes a handy custom bio widget to quickly tell your visitors about yourself with photo, link, bio and social media links.

Be sure to occasionally check the item FAQs above for common questions and answers.

Responsive from Desktop to Mobile!

Responsive Example

Post Formats: Aside, Gallery, Link, Image, Quote, Status, Video, Audio, Chat

Post Formats: Aside, Gallery, Link, Image, Quote, Status, Video, Audio, Chat

Reusable Portfolio Page Templates

Portfolio Page Template

Custom Post Types for Portfolio Items and Social Media Links

Custom Post Types

Additional Child Themes Included

Child Themes
Dark, No-CSS, Updated Logo Font Example

Drag and Drop WordPress Dropdown Menu

WordPress 3.0 Menu System

Background Image / Color Changer

Background Uploader / Color Changer

Additional Features

  • Text or Image Based Logo

  • Tag and Category Description Display

  • Fixed or Standard Header

  • Adjustable Header Columns

  • Author Archive with Avatar and Description

  • Blog Tag Index / Archive Template

  • Blog Category Index / Archive Template

  • Favicon and Apple Touch Icon Ready

  • CSS spites for smart loading of similar icons

  • Auto-Sized Featured Image on any Post Format

  • Easy to use Column Shortcodes

Solid and Extendable

  • Functions wrapped in if function_exists() for easy overriding in child themes.

  • Use of get_template_part() and get_post_format()

  • jQuery loaded in noConflict mode to avoid common conflicts and errors

  • CSS and JavaScript loaded via wp_register_script() and wp_register_style()

  • Internationalized (I18n) using e() and _() functions with sample .mo/.po files included

Free Updates and Great Support

I appreciate every purchase (and great comments!) – Updates and support are free after purchase, just watch this section and follow me on Twitter for the latest.

  • 1.0.8 – Update to filters.php / double title RSS feed fix

  • 1.0.7 – Update to functions.php / pagination fix (see FAQ page above)

  • 1.0.6 – Update to languages/en_EN.mo / en_EN.po files (plurals)

  • 1.0.5 – Update to languages/en_EN.mo / en_EN.po files

  • 1.0.4 – Minor update to functions.php, changed wp_print_styles to wp_enqueue_scripts for loading css and js files (fixes unwanted styles/scripts loading in the admin)

  • 1.0.3 – Minor update to pagination

  • 1.0.1 – Minor update to archive-portfolio.php

  • 1.0.2 – Minor update to content-page-archives.php (column fix on mobile)

Photo Credits

Flickr CC Commercial Use Images used for demo with written permission from Mark J Sebastian

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